Service Desk

  Documentation | Service Desk

A built in Service Desk in every mition site so you can manage your members requests.

You can also use the service desk module to manage internal tasks for your team, track the resolution and closing of tickets and see where the bottle necks in your organisation are.

With small and large organisations, helping your members is your goal. With the helpdesk system it allows organisations to put processes in place to do this. Members can create and track and add comments to tickets, staff can move tickets to the right staff member and adjust the severity / urgency of tickets.

The whole lifecycle of a ticket is visible and it makes it easy to see where the processes are failing or doing well.

Allow your members to raise service tickets (for any service your organisation provides), auto assign to staff members, send txt messages for urgent tickets. This workflow tool helps to ensure all of your members requirements are not lost and are prioritised. 

Use the service desk internally to track all your processes. Perfect for remote teams, who work full time or part time.

You can even get SMS alerts sent to those who need to know when thing are urgent.

Members Service Desk

You can use it for your own members or staff as well. When you click on the service desk link in the system, you might see an empty list or you could see a list of existing tickets that people in your organisation have created. As a Hel...

Staff Service Desk

You can add the auto assigned user or to whom the created tickets will go to in the system. You can create tickets on behalf of other users, when you create a ticket as a Staff member you have the option to pick who the ticket is for. I...