Collecting payments
Documentation | Payments
Credit cards on your trusted branded site that are PCI compliant is pretty expected by your tech savvy members and mition has you covered with two premium credit card services providers that seamlessly integrate.
Organisations don't have to add online credit card functionality: For example you can use the invoice module to let users download their invoice and you can include instructions on the footer on how to pay, with BSB and Account numbers and Invoice Reference numbers.
You can also mark invoices as paid via cash/cheque/credit card manually.
Stripe is a popular payment gateway that offers several benefits over other payment gateways. With its user-friendly interface, global coverage, advanced security, customizable options, flexible pricing, proven reliability, and good cus...
Adding eWay to your portal. Set eWay as your preferred Payment Gateway. Add the following settings to the mition portal.
So we built a PCI secure method of storing this data and retrieving it on demand for this customer. Users who wish to pay via NAB Connect are edited to use the Direct Debit Gateway Payment Process;. Bank account data, such as branch ide...
Managing Direct Wages Debit via Mition. Mition provides a streamlined way to manage Direct Wages payments via our Payment Gateway feature. The agreement was setup with the employer and the member to pay our client directly as a bulk EFT...
The mition portal creates invoices automatically for subscriptions if there is a charge. You can include GST automatically and you can help your users decide how they pay. You can also create and edit invoices manually as well as add multiple line items.
Users can put a credit card on file via your portal (seamlessly integrate Stripe or eWay to your pay page). Or they can pay via bank transfer using the invoice number as the bank reference.
If users pay via another means, cash, cheque or direct wages, you can mark the invoice as paid manually.
Mition also has payment gateway tools to allow you to segment users so that you can co-ordinate larger number of manual payments, including the ability to download a NAB Transact file (a standard bank file format).
Payment Gatways. Not sure which to choose?
Stripe Pricing
eWay Pricing
Both services off credit card processing that is PCI compliant and both options puts a credit card form in your own branded portal as it looks seamless and are both well integrated into the mition platform.
Stripe does have the ability to add BECS (direct debit), Apple Pay, Google Pay and takes Amex/Diners without much issue. But has a slightly higher fee. Stripe charges a higher fee for international cards.
eWay has cheaper pricing, you can add Apple Pay and American Express but it does not have Diners.
Can I use both? Not at the same time. If you decide to switch to one later you can.
If you switch from Stripe to eWay and have automated payments turned on, any automated regular subscription payments can default back to taking the payment from Stripe if the system has a valid stripe account and that customer has an account and card on file in Stripe. If you wish to prevent this you can remove your stripe account from Admin settings or remove the Stripe Customer ID from the users account.
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