Webpage components
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All the webpage components you can use in your mition portal.
When adding a web component to a page there is a field called Custom Class for each web component. Use this to add some of these classes to implement their effect. You can use more than one Custom Class, just ensure the are space separated.
Hides component if user is logged in
Hides a component if the user is anonymous
Only show on mobile
Only show on desktop
Do not show when printing
Contain component to 1170px max
Use these classes to get an animation on scroll (as the user scrolls down and the component comes into view these animations are triggered). We use animate-hide to make the initial state of the control hidden, its optional but it makes the effect nicer.
animate-hide animate-fading
animate-hide animate-opacity
animate-hide animate-top
animate-hide animate-left
animate-hide animate-right
animate-hide animate-bottom
animate-hide animate-zoom
These classes are triggered interally, so you cannot just add these styles within a WYSIWYG, they are only valid for components and the Custom Class property.
Bootstrap uses a 12 column grid system, so when you create a component size-6 it will take up half of the screen. But sometimes you want to centre it, or not have something to the left and make it sit right. So for flexibility, use these CSS Bootstrap classes in the Custom Class field of any component to change the alignment, padding, margin and other effects.
mx-auto margin auto both left and right
my auto margin auto both top and bottom
ml-auto margin left auto
mr-auto margin right auto use this with the above one to centre a box in the screen
offset-md-2 this will offset the container so you don’t have to put a filler box before it, as we discussed. This one is a size 2 – replace 2 with any value between 1 and 11.
See here for more details on bootstrap classes.
Bootstrap Basics: Offset, Padding, and Margin
to move a column two units to the right.p-3
for padding on all sides, pt-5
for padding on the top, and similarly for pr
, pb
, pl
, px
, and py
for margin on all sides, mt-5
for margin on the top, and similarly for mr
, mb
, ml
, mx
, and my