
  Documentation | Subscriptions

Subscriptions can be setup for your organisation in many ways. As we have been building membership systems for a variety of organisations who have had complex subscription models; you can be sure that mition can cater for your subscription process too.

Types of subscriptions you can setup.

Fixed Term Subscriptions

If your subscriptions start on a particular day of the year and end on a particular day of the year, use this option by setting the Fixed Start Date and Fixed End Date on the subscripting price.

Rolling Subscriptions

If your subscriptions start for that user the day they join, then use this option by leaving the Fixed Start Date and Fixed End Dates blank on the subscription price.


It is also quite common to have a mixture of some fixed terms and some rolling subscriptions.

The duration, price, welcome email, auto assigned roles are all controlled in the Subscription Admin section too. So you can customise the security users get when they first sign up.

Paywall option

If you would like to prevent users from accessing information or their membership features until they have paid, simply set the option to " No access until paid" on the subscription and set the grace period on the subscription price to 0 days. Setting the grace period to 7 days would allow the user to access membership features/information for 7 days and then enforce the paywall.

There are several automated reminders you can setup for Subscriptions too, for when the subscription is about to expire. So make sure you look at the Auto Reminders Section.

Subscription Components

A subscription term price is added to a term, this is the main way the system calculates a subscriptions start and finish date and its price. The Reference Code is used when a subscription is renewed automatically to a new term, the sys...

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Creating a simple subscription

You can show a list of all your subscriptions with pricing by putting a "subscription" web component on a webpage. You can add a subscription to a member, by going into the member record, going to memberships and adding a new subscripti...

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Fixed Term Renewals

To create a fixed term subscription, the only difference is the information you put in the Fixed Term Price record. - new term price exists and is using the same reference code. For term prices with fixed start and end dates, they can h...

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Cancelling Subscriptions

Cancelling a subscription. Cancel a subscription for each member. It will ask you to confirm you want to cancel this subscription.

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Early renewal

But you can use Auto Reminders if you have members who have various start dates and end dates to create an "early renewal reminder" email and action. admins and staff can use the "Early Renewal" button on a users subscription to create ...

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Creating a paywall

On the subscription there is a setting called “No access until paid”, if you check this the user will be only able to access to the “\pay” screen as long as:. - The user has a subscription. - The invoice is not paid in full and the due ...

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Corporate Membership

If your organisation sells memberships or subscriptions to Businesses, there are now 3 great ways to allow that organisation to add members AND you can optionally give these new members instant subscription access without manual interve...

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